Sunday, 15 March 2015

Initial Idea

Before the Christmas break, we were given a project brief which was to research and photograph a social group that you do not consider yourself a part of.
The first thing that came to my mind was religion. I have never been a religious person and do not personally think that there is any sort of God, and so I wanted to explore why people are religious.
I knew that I needed to do something more specific than just 'Christianity', and so I came up with the idea to look at born-again Christians, who became Christian when they were in their teens/elder years. I thought of this because my sister became a Christian when she was 16, even though none of our family are religious. I find it really interesting that people 'find God' and I want to know their reasons behind it.

I want to take simple portrait images of chosen individuals who are born-again Christians, and I plan on making a photo book, with text next to the images. The text will be the reasons why the individuals became Christians later in their life. I want to find individuals who became Christian for a non obvious reason, as opposed to someone who became Christian after they were an alcoholic or addicted to drugs. I find the reason why people turn to religion after something as difficult as that is understanding and obvious, however I don't fully understand why someone would make the spontaneous decision to become religious.

Doing this project will hopefully further my photographic skills, but it will also be interesting as I will hopefully learn a lot of things that I was not aware of previously.

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